Pomodorino Giallo Campano Intero al naturale Sole e Terra del Vesuvio

Whole Brined Golden Campanian Tomatoes

Yellow Cherry Tomato 60%
Sea salt
Acidifiers: citric acids.
Category: The Golden Tomato

Additional information

Campanian Yellow Tinned Cherry Tomato
Source areaSomma Vesuviana/ Sant’Anastasia – Italy.
Nutritional IntakeA vegetable with a good content of sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Good presence of organic acids like citric, ascorbic and malic acid, as well as reducing simple sugar like glucose and fructose There’s no shortage of polysaccharides like pectin, cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin, which give the fruit resistance and compactness. The fresh vegetable is rich in vitamin A, B1,B2,B3, vitamin C and K1. Yellow tomato is lycopene-free, low in chlorophyll and detectable anthocyanins.
Period of transformationFrom the first week of July to the third week of September
TriviaThe yellow tomato of Vesuvian area is deeply connected with ancient and almost disappeared varieties of yellow tomatoes. This particular Solanaceae selection has been rediscovered under the traditional Campania geno-plasma Conservation Project. It’s a little-known fact that the first tomatoes imported from America were yellow (from which the Italian word pomo d’oro>pomodoro, golden tomato). In 1544 the Italian herbalist Pietro Andrea Mattioli referred to the yellow fruits of the tomato plant as 'mala aurea', the golden tomato, and later, in 1554, he mentioned a red variety. As a result of a deep mistrust, the new vegetable was received as an ornamental plant, because it was believed that this plant’s fruit were toxic.